Friday, October 13, 2017

2018 annual program

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2018 annual theme:

Rethinking Hybridity and Purity in a Global Perspective

1/2018 Hybridity and Pure Forms in the Sociopolitical Imagination

Experiencing hybridity and mapping purity: an asymmetry between a practice and a discourse? ● Making sense of diversity: the urge to classify Archetypes of the social order ● God, blood, culture, and soil: the principles of groupness ● Concepts of kinship and the politics of sameness and distinction ● Constructed groupness and ontological groupness: moments of transition and solidification ● From international revolution to proletarian nations ● Social class and legal estate as categories of analysis and political practice ● Dialectics of the homogeneous and the composite: constructing and classifying diversity ● A global history of cartography, statistics, and international law ● Sites of purity and hybridity: monasteries and markets, ghettoes and metropolises, heartlands and frontiers – and which is which? ● What is inside federation and empire? ● Art as the mirror and the battleground of differing social arrangements ● “Autochthonous population,” “titular nation,” and “minority”: the history of concepts and their application.

2/2018 The Cult of Pure Forms

Imagining purity: who, when, and how? ● The idea of norm and harmony in different societies at different times ● Deconstructing politics of groupness in empire and nation ● Is the ideal of wholesomeness attainable without repressions? ● Empires and origins of genocides ● A pure evil: the total war and construction of the existential enemy ● How to purify the soul, body, and community: religious fundamentalism, political purges, and ethnic cleansings ● Purity of ideals and the rise of utopia ● Modernization projects and social engineering: are all schemes to improve the human condition authoritarian? ● Modernity as totality ● Orientalism as a pure form ● The rule of law and the many faces of corruption ● Social imaginary of the body: medicalized social policies and discourses ● Developing a national canon in arts ● The ideal of national economy.

3/2018 The Ambiguities of Hybridity

Hybridity as daily experience, past and present ● The chimera of the hybrid condition: the problem of miscommunication and disintegration of social order ● Performing hybridity: between pluralism and disintegration ● Queer theory on the hybrid condition ● The secret of stabilizing diverse societies ● Hybridity and the legitimation of imperial expansion ● The origins of “hybrid warfare” ● Biographies of hybrids. Imperial mediators and interpreters ● Hybrid economy and occupations: nonclassical economic analysis ● Mixed forms of land tenure ● Legal conundrums in attempts to codify law and streamline administrative systems in Russia ● Scenarios of the “third path” ● Composite societies as hybrid polities.

4/2018 Hybridity as a Politics and History of Globality

Hybridity as a global future: visions of a postnational world ● The problem of creating a political language of hybridity ● Problematizing global history: what version of histoire totale is it? ● Projects of world government and fantasies about evil global conspiracies ● Political nation between hybridity and pure forms ● Citizenship and hybridity ● Global market between hybridity and uniformity ● Global flaws of the information age ● The dialectics of hybridity and pure forms: nationalizing empires and imperialist nationalisms ● The political economy of conflict and compromise ● The phenomenon of new authoritarianism: how an open society produces its own nemesis ● What is the future of purity in the global world?

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