“Language of the Nation” in Early 20th-Century Bessarabia: Defining an Elusive
Concept in a Contested Borderland
setting of Russian Bessarabia was hardly conducive to an early and/or
substantial debate on the content and multiple meanings of the “national
phenomenon,” broadly defined. Throughout the second half of the 19th and early
20th centuries, Bessarabia represented an object of “symbolic competition”
between the Russian empire-building and Romanian nation-building projects. This
conditioned the “secondary” and rather late development of a specific “language
of the nation” in Bessarabia. To the extent that such preoccupations existed at
all, they were heavily indebted to the Russian models or (gradually, and mostly
in émigré circles) structured by the growing awareness of the “Bessarabian
question” within the Romanian national narrative. The slow emergence of an
articulate public sphere in Bessarabia (which only crystallized in the early
20th century), the multiethnic character of the province, as well as the
relative insignificance of the educated strata at the local level partly
explain this situation. This presentation will briefly review the transition
from externally generated (Russian and Romanian) visions of the nation and
their reception in Bessarabia to the increasing political mobilization of the
early 20th century, resulting in local expressions of and reflections on the “nation”
and its defining features. The “language of the nation” became gradually more
refined, when “pan-Romanian,” “regionalist,” and even (quasi-) “Moldovanist”
identity projects were put forward by nationally minded intellectuals or some
representatives of the authorities. However, this vocabulary remained marginal
and confined to a small minority of national activists, without altering or
actually subverting the hegemonic imperial discourse. The situation changed
dramatically only during World War I, when “nation” became a heavily loaded and
symbolically relevant concept for expanding layers of the local population,
while Bessarabia could be imagined (at least theoretically) as a prospective “nation-state.”
However, the rapid and explosive “nationalization” of the public sphere in 1917–18
did not fully prepare Bessarabian society for the nationalizing policies
pursued in Greater Romania. “Nation” still remained, to a large extent, an
unclear, elusive, and contested concept in interwar Romanian Bessarabia.
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